Become a CACH Member
At CACH, we are committed to building a stronger, more coordinated community response to homelessness in Chester, Lancaster, and York counties. As a membership organization, we invite individuals, organizations, corporations, and government agencies to join us in supporting our mission. Becoming a member of CACH means more than just contributing financially—you’ll play an active role in our community’s response to homelessness. Every contribution, regardless of size, makes an impact.
Scroll down to learn more about suggested membership dues and member benefits.
Suggested Membership Dues
Our membership structure is designed to be accessible to all, with contribution options that allow anyone to participate, regardless of financial means.
For individual members:
Individuals actively experiencing homelessness: $0
Individuals with lived experience of homelessness: $10
Students: $15
Individuals: $100
For organizational members:
Resident, tenant, or student associations: $25
Organizations with an operating budget under $250,000: $100
Organizations with an operating budget of $250,000–$500,000: $250
Organizations with an operating budget of $500,000–$1 million: $500
Organizations with an operating budget of $1 million–$2 million: $750
Organizations with an operating budget of $2 million–$5 million: $1,000
Organizations with an operating budget over $5 million: $2,500
Member Benefits
By joining CACH, you directly support our efforts to create lasting solutions to homelessness, and members enjoy a range of benefits.
Special Access to Resources:
One-on-one meetings with CACH staff to discuss collaboration, resources, or advocacy.
Priority access to workshops focused on homelessness, affordable housing, and advocacy.
Recognition and Event Promotions:
Paid members and organizations are featured in reports and on social media, recognizing their contributions
Invitations to regular networking mixers or coffee meetups with other members, local leaders, and community advocates.
Opportunities to promote events during CACH’s meetings and have your events included in CACH’s monthly updates.
Advocacy Opportunities:
Members receive materials and training to advocate for homeless services at the state or national level, including sample letters and talking points
Exclusive Content:
Monthly updates highlighting the coalition’s efforts, new initiatives, and stories from those benefiting from our programs.
Sub-grantee Opportunities (for Non-Profit Members):
Non-profit members can apply to become a sub-grantee of CACH, when eligible, allowing you to expand your work in partnership with the coalition.